New to the U.S. I’m driving a very old audi with an old clutch and rusty 1st gear. When I’m stationary at a red light, and then it turns green, it takes me like an extra 0.7 seconds to get going to engage the clutch.

The amount of people honking at me because of that is insane. Also, the amount of people that get completely ON my ass while we’re stopped at a steep hill/angle. I’m not the type to road rage, but one of these days I may go crazy. Are Americans just completely unaware of manual cars? I also wonder if I roll back an inch and hit the guy that was on my ass if it would be considered my fault or not?

  1. A lot of people have forgotten about them. Have you ever been able to start from 2nd gear? I know its kinda hard but I can do it if I try, it might be easier than your bad 1st gear?

  2. I would not recommend using your car as a weapon to teach rude drivers a lesson OP

  3. I’ve driven manual cars all my life. Either you’re not very good at it and you’re taking too long or not paying attention.

  4. Fellow manual driver here– but it’s a fairly new car, with a healthy clutch and gearbox.

    I’ve never had someone honk at me at a light, except when I was a total noob and was stalling out all the time. This may be location-dependent, though– some regions have more relaxed drivers, some are more aggressive.

    I’ve also never had another driver not give me enough room to start on a hill. Even when it looks like they’re right on your bumper, there’s usually at least 18″. You *are* responsible for not hitting them, though. Learn how to use your handbrake to hold your position on the hill as you get started. If your transmission/clutch are too fried to make that work, you should really get them fixed.

    As I’m sure you’re aware, manual transmissions are pretty rare in the USA these days, and most other drivers around you will not be in the habit of expecting roll-back on hills. Most (but not all) drivers are at least aware of some of the basics of manual transmission operation, and will understand what’s happening if they see you roll back a bit.

  5. A huge majority of a Americans have only driven automatic transmissions and are likely unaware of the considerations for driving a manual transmission car that you mentioned.

  6. Maybe the issue is that you have a car in ill-repair? If you can’t engage your clutch properly you should have it serviced.

    30 years of driving manual transmissions in the US without being honked at.

  7. If you’re getting honked at frequently then you might want to consider the common denominator in this equation. It can be found above your bathroom sink.

  8. if they’re honking it takes you much longer than .7 seconds to get going. I own 5 stick shift vehicles currently and have never been honked at coming off a green light. the opposite actually, i find myself getting irritated at automatic drivers who creep off a green light so slow i cant come off the clutch fully. also zero issue rolling back. sounds like you need to practice driving stick a bit more.

  9. If someone is too close on a hill use your e-brake and get in gear then let loose.

  10. Manuals transmissions are pretty rare these days

    But also, some people can just be assholes. I’ve had times where I’ve been at a light with my auto transmission, and people will start honking literally as soon as the light turns green, or even before it (if there’s a “no turn on red” sign, and I don’t turn on red when it looks safe, I *usually* have folks honking at me, sometimes they even start screaming at me or get into the left lane to just go around me)

  11. I drove manual cars and trucks for 15 years and would be still if they were easier to find. If you’re doing it correctly you won’t be any slower from a stop light or won’t roll back on a hill any more than an automatic. If the clutch is slipping or the slave cylinder is going out you need to replace it ASAP. Otherwise, this is probably on your driving skills.

  12. No issue driving a manual in the Dallas area. If your clutch isn’t engaging properly from a standstill, you ought to address that.

  13. Sounds like a you problem. I drive a manual every so often, and never had someone honk.

  14. I used to drive a manual and never experienced that level of confrontation. Are you sure you’re not just a bad driver?

  15. Manual transmission vehicles are a rarity on American roads. The number of people who I personally know who can drive my car (2014 Ford Fiesta ST) is very low. I don’t have the exact statistics, but it wouldn’t surprise if 95%+ of cars on American roads have automatic transmissions.

  16. I really doubt people are honking at you for 700ms of delay, that’s faster than a lot of people react at lights. Is it possible you took a long time to go and the extra manual time was just icing on the cake, so to speak?

    Also if you’re rolling down a hill and you hit someone with enough force to damage the cars you’re likely going to be at fault.

  17. Umm, I’ve never had people get frustrated I was driving a clutch so it took a fraction of a second longer to engage. Is op paying attention to the light or starting to move after noticing the light has changed? Also yes, if you roll backwards into someone it will be your fault.

  18. As a college student, this is the first I’ve ever heard about manuals rolling back, so there might legitimately be some that aren’t aware to take such precautions. However, I can’t imagine being consistently honked at for that short of a wait at a light.

  19. OP Im not entirely sure what you mean by a rusty gear, gears shouldnt rust, they’re bathed in oil.

    That said my 15 years driving a manual and I still stall out sometimes and nobody cares, I die of embarassment though.

  20. I drive a manual in San Francisco, never had these problems. Have you tried paying attention to the lights and anticipating when it turns green? You could easily avoid getting honked at by having your car in gear with the clutch depressed when the cross traffic gets a yellow light.

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