So it’s a pretty long story but I’ll make it short. Or at least I’ll try to. I haven’t been able to speak till I was 10, I have a major speech language impediment and I don’t exactly know how to be friends or funny around people. I always thought that sex jokes and controversial subjects would make me funny. And it just never worked. Not at all. And I just don’t learn this lesson.

I’m in a pottery class and I met Jabril. He’s cool, awesome, just the best. He’s relaxed and doesn’t talk. He liked me a bit and I sat with him and his friends. I had a slight crush on his friend and didn’t know the other that well. I flirted with her once and then I found out she was lesbian and stopped. I kept up just talking about the people I’ve fucked and how I work out, and the cool skateboarding tricks I do. I don’t remember staring or eyeing at the friend I use to have a crush on but they said I eyed her all the way. And they just got weirded out. The second friend I just ignored because she didn’t like me so I pretended she didn’t exist. Apparently she didn’t like that? I mean I got the idea she just didn’t like me so I ignored her. They confronted me and said “be normal and change or leave.” And I didn’t know what to say or so I just left.

I met this other friend group that probably ignored me and stayed away for the same reason. I only have 2 friend groups that just actually like me. I call this a 50/50 effect where half people like me a lot and the other half just despise me. I’ve grown to accept this but I just want everyone to like me. I know the solution is just act normal, don’t joke and be serious. I don’t know what to do, I’m going to college in 5 months and at this point I think I’m on the track of failing socially in college. And I don’t want to. I know I’m a good person, I know I do nice things for other people and care about what other people think.

1 comment
  1. Okay. I’m saying this as kindly as I can. Nobody wants to hear about who you’ve fucked. It’s incredibly disrespectful to those you’ve fucked and to those listening. That stuff is typically discussed with your closest friends- if anyone- everyone has different boundaries but that isn’t appropriate in 99% of settings.

    They probably don’t want to hear about how you work out or your skateboard tricks either if you’re dominating the conversation by talking about yourself.

    This behavior indicates insecurity in oneself. Cool people don’t talk about how cool they are.

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