How often do you take a shower?

  1. I shower everyday that I go to work or if I have to go out for whatever reason but then if I have nowhere to be and nothing to do, you couldn’t get me into the shower with a gun to my head.

  2. how do ppl have the time and energy to shower 2 times a day? I shower 2 times a week sometimes I throw in an extra hair wash

  3. Every day if I work. If I’m off work, it’s every two days. Wash my hair twice a week.

  4. Twice a day. One in the morning after my workout and one before bedtime.

  5. On days I work: daily
    On days off, every other unless it’s summer, then daily and sometimes twice a day (I live in Vegas)

  6. Generally: daily. Every now and then I’ll skip a day when I didn’t do much. But I try to wash my hair only 3x per week

  7. 2-4 times a week. I WFH, I don’t exercise, and I wash my private parts after every bathroom visit, so I see no reason why I’d need to shower every day. I only really feel a need to shower before going out to eat/drink/be around people, and after coming back home from it.

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