curious men — do you have a personal preference against women with 1 or more cats? does it impact your desire to pursue serious relationships?

  1. 1 cat is okay

    2 cats I can work with

    3 cats indicates she is probably going to keep adding beings to her life and that isn’t healthy

    Also I’m allergic to most cats, so they would need to be hypoallergenic for me

  2. As long as someone takes good care of them, and keeps the house clean of their messes, I really do not care.

    If someone had like 6 cats, that might make me rethink things.

  3. Looks like I just barely make the cut, I have 3 cats, one lives with my parents and two live with me lol.

  4. 3 cats is my limit usually, but as long as their place doesn’t stink of cats and they are well looked after, its usually a moot point.

  5. I don’t care how many of any pet someone has, even if they’re an animal I may not be partial to (I am a huge cat person though, lmao, but I like most animals) .

    To me it’s about whether or not the person has a reasonable amount of space for the animals to be happy, and they are well maintained and taken care of. If you have the space and accommodations to take care of 10 cats, you go girl lmao, if I like a person, it does not matter to me.

    But I care about all living beings and someone hoarding or neglecting animals, whatever the number is, is wrong and I will not support that in anyone I know, let alone a partner.

  6. It’s like the feels like temperature or wind chill metric. If you have 2 cats and the place looks like there 16, then two is too many. Like wise should you have 7 cats, and it’s well kept then that is acceptable. This also assumes an ordinary residence and not say a farm environment, and does not factor in sexual considerations or other offsets.

    Acceptability range

    1- 2 = common/safe

    3-4 = you like cats

    5 = you like cats a lot

    6= hmm… good thing she’s hot

    7= Are those clown figurines too?

    8= how long did you say you’ve been single?

    9 and above = Oh wow, look at the time,… gotta take out the trash, feed the hog, still have some homework…


    1 clown collection = 4 cats

    5= cat prints = 1 cat

    > 1 cat/500 sf = +.67cats each

    1 trinket/spoon collection = 2 cats

    1 odd/terrifying cat = 1.5-7 cats

    3 large cat trees/scratchers= 1 cat

    Cat clothing or apparel = 4 cats

    Shrines (any kind) = 6 cats

    Cats have servants= 7 cats

  7. Three cats is a stretch, but four cats definitely not. Unless she had a seriously big house and maid.

  8. 1 is enough for me. I’m a dog guy, and will always have a dog. So your cat needs to be ok with dogs as well

  9. Nope. My wife and I have six. Highest ever was seven. And this woman has always told me that she hates cats…she lied. Or she just didn’t know how awesome cats are until she got with me.

  10. I’m trying to be open minded, but I don’t think cats should date women at all.

  11. Nope. I love cats. I have 2 myself lol. As long as the house doesn’t smell though and litter box is changed frequently

  12. 3 cats is the limit. I really like cats, but more than that is too much work

    Why is the discussion always about cats though? In my demographic, crazy dog girls are much more common. Sorry ladies, I’m not interested in sharing a bed with you and your 3 labradors

  13. 1 cat: OK you wanted a cat.

    2 Cats: You got a cat and the cat needed a friend. Understandable.

    3 Cats: You probably shouldn’t have this cat, but there are perfectly valid reasons for why you might have an extra cat.

    4 Cats: You cant say no to Cats. No one stops at 4 Cats and cats will continue to accumulate.

  14. 1 cat is never a problem. 2 or more cats can be an issue, mainly depending on where they sleep. Once dated a girl who had 3 cats that slept in her double bed with her. Staying over there was a goddamn nightmare. And of course i always had to stay over there, because her cats would get upset if she was gone for a night. Sleeping with pets in bed is now something i watch out for. Some people crowd their bed with pets and then wonder why they can’t find a partner…

    Also if her place smells like litterbox, complete dealbreaker. Similarly if I end up covered in cat hair every time i go over. Some people don’t clean up after their pets.

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