me (20) and this guy(20) have been dating for two months (went on two dates) and we were exclusive, we had a semi break up because he wasn’t thoughtful or romantic, he told me he would change but after we got together again (exclusive not relationship) I found out he made out with someone and was texting other people, at first I was like it’s okey but then I decided to break up with him because it’s technically cheating, which didn’t work because I am attached to him so even if he does something wrong I keep forgiving him. we have had like three break up talks which never go anywhere, he knows he treated me badly because keeps asking me why am I still entertaining him. Every time I forgive him he turns sweet and seems like a changed man.

At this point I feel like blocking him completely without explanation would work because these “break up” talks just don’t work. Help me out please, he is not a bad person, he has a bad character. He also didn’t want to get tested, I asked him to do it because he has a past of hook ups. I am afraid to let him go because I don’t want to start over with someone else. is this a toxic relationship? (we are not official)

1 comment
  1. Block him for your own sake. He has no self control and you have a hard time being the bad guy or putting your foot down even though you know that you should.

    His promises hold very little weight with his actions so early on and his inability to even pursue a true relationship..

    Why even be exclusive without dating? It’s alot like me working full time for a company with no job title and only part time pay.. just seems very unfair

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