I love being social its nice but there are problems of course. Im not used to Socialise and therefore im either people pleasing or i look arrogant when i just want to be confident.

I tried to fake being confident but it dosent work, i feel like my confidence hits rock bottom everytime i wake up.

Im getting better socially but im alone in this, my friend group dosent respect me and no one actually does. I dont know what the secret trick is i just constantly feel like everyone wants me to fail.

1 comment
  1. you’re not alone in this because i struggle with the same thing. this is a topic i’ve been dealing with since as long as i can remember. i think it’s a journey. keep working on yourself and it’ll all work out. be yourself, make mistakes, be alone. if you want more community just keep throwing yourself out there and something will stick. idk how much help this is. speaking to the choir here!

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