I have been making efforts to make friends and really just try to socialize.

I’m almost always the person who says “hey we should hang out sometime” or something like that.

A few years ago I would intentionally stay away from people when it was not disrespectful to.

Anyways, at what ever event I may be at I will try to talk to everyone (literally, I will try to talk to everyone who seems like they are nice).

However, once the event is over no one wants to ever hang out… almost all the “friends” I have made in the past few years I have only known them for a few hours. I literally had the time of my life with them and Then I go right back to living alone.

I know I have to keep trying but I don’t know man… I literally have people saying yes to hanging out and then they break contact.

Idk man I just feel like everyone knows something I don’t. I 100% feel like I don’t understand don’t peers or myself.

This friends thing is like a drug. You get high for 2 hours and your back to reality.

1 comment
  1. Being able to ask people to hang out and take rejection with ease is like half of it already. Then you also have to be able to read people. Like a person’s interest level , try to go out with groups in the same hobby as you, wait a while before tryin to hang out. As an adult you will get blown off even by people that like you just bc that’s how it works.

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