Is it changing diapers, pushing a stroller, feeding, teaching, reading a story, discipline, or? I’m not planning on having kids of my own, but I have nieces and nephews. I hope I’ll never have to change a diaper or help a toddler use the bathroom 🤮

  1. I’ve done all those things for my child.

    But feeding is especially frustrating when they’re young, and they refuse to keep food in their mouths. I didn’t like that a lot. But I still did it.

    Diapers are nothing and you can change them in your sleep.

  2. Pretty much the entire first two or three years of having a child seem really miserable to me. I love kids, but can we just skip the baby part

  3. Anything with changing diapers or using the bathroom seems like that sucks but not too terrible. I’m sure I’d be much more enthusiastic when it’s my own kid but my cousin has a little kid and sometimes I’ll play with him and it feels almost exhausting to try to fake being enthusiastic. Not like you gotta be a clown but typically when you’re playing with a kid they’ll be cheerful and you can too but I’ve never really been the best at that

  4. I have 2 kids… The only thing I didn’t like when they were little was when they were sad or sick and I couldn’t help them. Like when they were up all night sick. And just generally they were sick about every 2 weeks before age 5 or so, and I caught the same colds, so someone was sick almost all the time. Now that they’re older I really don’t dislike anything, other than when they’re sad about something.

  5. Cleaning puke is the worst for me. I honestly don’t mind changing diapers, been doing it since I was 11 since I was the resident family babysitter. I honestly look forward to fatherhood.

  6. What’s funny is the little kid stuff like that is easy. There’s a lot of it, but you just do whatever you need to do and move on to the next thing. It’s when they get big that things get complicated.

  7. New dad here. Honestly getting a newborn that doesn’t want to sleep, to go to sleep is pretty atrocious. Changing diapers isn’t so bad once you get used it, but it’s not as bad if it’s your kid. Newborn poop is different from infant poop, it even has a sci-fi sounding name, “meconium”. It’s black and sticky like gum on your shoe and is a real pain to wipe. Glad I don’t have to do that anymore.

  8. What I struggled with the most. Putting them in their own bedroom – the feeling of are they ok, I’ll just check on them. I haven’t heard them in a while, Ill just check on them. What was that noise, I’ll just poke my head around the door.

    Puke,shit,crying,feeding all part of it but the overwhelming need to make sure they are ok is crazy.

    Then it was – can we watch xyz movie again and again and again :D.

  9. Vomit is the worst. No contest. I would rather change the worst diaper blow up of all time than clean up a kid who threw up in the bed.

  10. Take them to a Disney movie to give the parents a break.

    After 30 minutes in the theatre you’ll want to eat a bullet.

    Second prize goes to taking them to Chuckie Cheeze.

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