My boyfriend of two and a half years decided he was going to just up and leave my life with no explanation over a TEXT. He said he fell out of “love” but told me in the text that he loved me and wished the he would feel different by the time he sent that text…2 days prior he said he loved me and a week prior he was begging me not to leave him because I couldn’t deal with him not trust me…I went to collect my belongings and he couldn’t even look me in the eyes. I sent a heart felt beautiful text with my feelings the next day and got no response to find out I had gotten blocked after that text went through. As soon as I sent that text I got notified that he’s been on Tinder…how after 2.5 years with the person who blinded me with his love and I truly loved me does he do that? The way he went about all of this didn’t add up. Everything we’ve been through you don’t do this if you say you love someone. I was wasting me energy and time trying to fight for someone who I loved and I thought loved me back. Was he cheating? Thoughts?

I’ve realized this is the universe doing what it was supposed to do. It has given me an assignment that I need to complete in order to succeed and get back what’s mine. Connect with the vibration I give. I just need clarity.

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