Let me get it straight first, I am not a shy person or introvert, or depressed. in fact, I am very extroverted but just lost, Can’t find a place.

In Highschool everything is fine lots of friends, girlfriends, getting along with people was easy, It was easy for me to find a friend and understand each other. Or girl to laugh and hang out a lot. Took 5 years break after high school and worked overseas for experience and came back for university but now things changed.

I am the top student in my University in my subject. My uni uses my work to show off, everyone’s expectations are high. I study every day hard to prove myself. I believe I am better than others because I am more mature(like 4-5 years older) and know my responsibilities. And thats what happens I just can’t understand people. They use TikTok, Instagram etc. all time(I am not on social media), do stupid stuff, etc. They are not even funny. They are just cringe. My uni is private so everyone is kinda wealthy enough. They are full of shit, lies, backstabbing and show off. They do nothing to me, in fact I get along with everyone by changing my personality since I need that, I just observe their pitiful fake lives.

I heard about working out etc making sad voices go away , I was already doing fitness/strength training and running so I started Muay Thai 2-3 years ago hoping I can find better friends. I just found people who have no future plans, No career, No brain to understand irony or jokes that need 50+IQ, just people that Highschool drop out people who seek to learn how to fight so they can earn money somehow. People that act tough but with miserable living. I still actively work out and do muay Thai but no help.

I tried Online dating. I guess I was lucky ? Since my body is in shape and my face is alright i got many matches but It made me sick how they type, text or act worse than my schools’ wanna-be poser personas. It was just depressing. I deleted the app. It was impossible to find someone.

I go out with friends that are from school, I hang out a lot but I feel like I am all alone. Drifting in space. I dont know where to go. I dont know what to do. I am lost. I live alone in my apartment thinking about an imaginary girlfriend and laughing together. Building our career together etc. I checked out other departments in Uni some students were normal and good but I dont know how to communicate with total strangers with no business with me. I need some place and get accepted. I dont know what else I can do. I observe other people and they are worse than me socially, So it is not exclusive to me but man I just miss back in days without any social media.

  1. One of my best friends did this! He graduated high school and then took a 6yr hiatus – then went away to college at 24…and he had the SAME COMPLAINTS as you did here: he couldn’t relate to his classmates bevause he wad much more mature then them, he found people irritating because they were partying and all everyday – and he felt like he was past that. The girls liked him bevause he wad older but HE didn’t like them since they were so young minded.

    In the end, he ended up with major depression! Sadly, he never really found his “place” on campus…but he did OFF campus! He was into music and sound production – he found a club and joined. That led to him being part of a band, and thay led to making friends who were more along his level. The gf thing never really happened for him…poor guy. But he genuinely has some social and mental health issues. Point being- don’t give up, but change your outlook. Yes those kids around you may be immature but they also can teach you things from a diff perspective. As for making friends, do more off campus…join clubs or meetups. Volunteer.

  2. I honestly don’t know how to answer this question except for I imagined Drifting in outter space on rainbow road like with a gokart. 🤷🏻‍♂️👀👀

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