How do you feel after rejecting someone?

  1. Depends entirely on the person. I’ve rejected nice, sweet guys and felt bad about hurting them, even though I didn’t have romantic feelings for them. I’ve also had guys treat me like complete shit, then beg for sex. Telling them no is extremely satisfying.

  2. Depends on the person. With different guys I’ve felt fine, I’ve felt annoyed, and I’ve felt afraid.

  3. It’s entirely context dependent. Sometimes I’ve felt guilty, sometimes I’ve felt afraid, sometimes I’ve felt relief.

  4. Highly depends on the person

    But mostly afraid, guys can be fucking INSANE when it comes to rejection and some turn into violent stalkers, had my share of them :

  5. If it’s a cold approach, hostile and want them to fuck off and leave me alone.

  6. i always feel awkward and uncomfortable since I don’t like those kinds of advances

  7. When I was single, I would sometimes feel bad if it were someone I cared about. It’s never fun to hurt someone.

    Now, when it (rarely) happens, it’s never people I know, but men that hit on me in social settings like a club or something. A polite no and telling them I’m happily taken is usually met with a smile and acceptance before he moves along with his night. So, there is no bruised ego for him, and sometimes it’s flattering that people other than my husband also find me attractive.

    If someone is pushy or disrespects my boundaries or relationship, it’s just annoying and uncomfortable, and sometimes scary.

  8. Usually guilty. I really appreciate when people are brave and cold approach or admit to feelings that have been developing a while. I know that takes a lot of courage. So even though I let down as gently, but still firmly as I can, I usually feel quite sad for them because I appreciate how vulnerable you make yourself to admit feelings or make a move.

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