What would you do if your friend insults people based on their appearance?

  1. Try to discuss with them what makes them feel that’s necessary in an understanding non judgmental way (regardless of them judging individuals). Assuming you are uncomfortable with their behavior or even just not okay with it, proceed to express your feelings and opinions on this matter with them. If them doing this bothers you to a point where you can’t handle it and they do not wish to improve their behavior let them know you are unwilling to continue a friendship with them. If you can handle this behavior in a way where you just don’t wanna hear them talking like this while you’re around just put in place a boundary with them where they understand and respect you’re wishes and don’t act like this around you.

  2. Wouldn’t be their friend, don’t have time to waste on judgmental people like that.

  3. “wtf u high on ??” If they still continue, let’s just say we won’t b friends anymore

  4. Shame them for being such an asshole. And then probably stop being friends.

  5. I would probably try to figure out why they would do this and if they choose to continue doing this then I would cut contact with them as I wouldn’t want to be around someone who does this.

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