I am dating a girl, on the first date it came up that she was going to get her period soon as a notification popped up on her phone. For the third date, I proposed a couch potato date since it would overlap with either her period or her pms. She is bringing her chocolates and cookies, and she said she really likes lasagna, so I am going to make her some homemade lasagna.

What are some comfort foods you make for your partner when she has her period? Something that can be eaten as a snack as well, preferable. I was thinking about croque monsieur/ grilled cheese or hummus dip but I was curious what some of you make in times like this. What are your goto foods to make?

  1. I don’t, I just have her write me a list of things that she wants and needs (including her womanly things) and I go out and get them for her.

  2. Every thing I cook is comfort food. Why would you cook things you don’t enjoy?

  3. First of all, from one man to another, good on you. Lots of dudes get weirded out about something as natural as a period. You’re handling extremely maturely compared to some.

    I typically get my wife candy, typically chocolate, and she normally gets a craving for Taco Bell or Wendy’s and if she needs pads, we get those too. So we go out, get it, come home, watch some TV or play video games. I try and make her period as comfortable as possible, especially after doing some reading about how painful they can be, some being debilitating to the point of hospitalization. After that, I do what I can to make that time if the month as comfortable as possible for her.

  4. Courgette fritters with a tasty garlic dip, fried, crunchy and if you feel like eating loads at least it’s got some veggies in it 🙂

  5. Glad to see someone who wants to take care of their partner. I don’t usually make any foods for my girl but I always make sure to have snacks and a heating pad for her. Works everytime.

  6. I asked my partner this question when we started dating, the overwhelming answer from her was Zesty Doritos with cheese melted ontop of them.

  7. As a woman, thanks for caring 🙂 for me just being minded is all I want.

  8. Nothing? My wife is an independent woman and can ask for certain foods if she wants it, regardless of her period or not.

    Millions of women deal with th eir periods every day and dont need some pamper party or extra service. Imagine if every female athlete did that rofl.

  9. >she said she really likes lasagna, so I am going to make her some homemade lasagna.

    Smart man that’s how I bagged mine

  10. As a woman: this is so darn nice and thoughtful of you. Thank you for that post today!

  11. I’ll send her Door Dash and leave her alone til it’s over.

    She may get upset that I’m not coming around during her cycle, but she’s also going to find a reason to be upset if I’m with her during her cycle. Hormones…

    One of these options takes me out of the line of direct fire.

  12. You can never go wrong with chocolate. Sometimes I will buy her a bottle of her favorite wine, too.

  13. Can I just say as a woman you are an amazing man for thinking of her and being so considerate and comforting she is lucky to have you

  14. As a woman who has dated a handful of men even some with children, I have never in my life had a man even be so considerate to ask me if he could do anything for me to help while on my period, never have I been cooked or made a meal. I get hugs but reading all these responses makes me kind of feel sad now.

  15. Cravings are there ofc, but to comfort her when she maybe feels pain, I would suggest light meals with a lot of Magnesium in it for example broccoli and chickpeas. Potatoes are also fine but balance is key. Also food with omega 3, like salmon, tuna or avocado. Iron in quinoa. In this Phase I wouldn’t suggest beans for the iron, cause she might me already bloated and they would enhance it. Also no red meat, coffee and alcohol because it causes more pain.

  16. Magnum double caramel ice cream bars are a STAPLE during shark week in my house. 3/$5 but they’re SO GOOD.

  17. All of you men are doing this for your women when their on their periods?
    Dammnnnn. I did not know this was a thing.

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