Recently hooked up with ex girlfriend’s best friend and think we want to give it a shot but ex doesn’t know it yet, is there rules in seeing your ex’s friend?

  1. Neither of you should expect to have the same relationship with your ex after she knows. That is about it.

  2. Not for you, but she’s definitely violating girl code and their friendship may soon end lol

  3. Oh, yeah, this will be a funny story someday. Take notes. Take video if you can.

  4. Just don’t do it. There’s literally like 4 billion women on the planet, why would you do something you already know is kinda douchey, and date her friend? Grow up.

  5. You have no obligation to your ex. You don’t have to do anything. It’s up to the girl you’re trying to date to work this out with her best friend.

  6. All is fair in love and war…..but do you really want to be with a chick who isnt even loyal to her friend?

  7. Rule 167.7 A states that you have to inform your ex regardless of possible friction

  8. I would think that it’s sorta like the bro code where you don’t mess with the sister, wife/girlfriend and the ex of a friend. And i think that if you’re only doing it to get back at your ex than that’s a very shitty thing to do and it’s also something that the best friend is gonna have to deal with at some point. But at the end of the day it’s your life and if she’s not in your life anymore than she really has nothing to say about it, not to you anyway.

  9. This is a shit thing to do… Idc how the relationship ended, but this is shitty from both of the parts (but even more on the best friend)

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