I’ve recently become more and more sexually active, and as I have been a regular porn watcher to satisfy my needs alone, I have found that as a problem as I started to have actual sex instead of just a porn video. I knew that to satisfy my partner in bed, I couldn’t rely on porn to make me hard, so I tried to quit. Porn has always worked for me, but when that is the only way I can get and maintain an erection, something has to be done about it. So, I partly quit, meaning that I still had regular orgasms, without the porn part, and sometimes watched a porn video. I have now completely stopped for a bigger period of time, but the results aren’t as expected. As I’ve read, and heard, quitting porn will lead to a bigger NATURAL sex drive, which so far seems like bullshit. I’m not tempted to watch porn as much, but I dont feel especially horny anymore at all almost and when I do have sex, it seems as my sex drive has really only depleted. Of course, I still am able to get an erection, but after one orgasm, I’m done, and if my partner wants more, even if I can get my penis erect, I might not even reach an orgasm. Maybe it just takes time for my body to get natural sexual reactions to natural sexual interactions, and really I’m just impatient to see these apparent “results” quitting porn should grant. I just find it weird as when I still was watching porn regularly, I felt my sex drive was much larger.

Why could this be? Has porn actually destroyed my sex drive?

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