Just by consuming u.s culture in the mid 90’s, this feels familiar to me but I have no idea if it’s representative or where it’s set. Still on first season as that 70’s show and it seems to use a lot of 60’s decorations (flowers, not to mention the many scenes of people smoking pot. Aren’t they old enough to have been scared off of drugs by Dragnet a few years before the series started?)

  1. >not to mention the many scenes of people smoking pot.

    People smoked pot in the 70’s, yes.


    >>where it’s set

    They literally yell it out at the end of the theme song

  2. I haven’t seen That 90s Show.
    I graduated in ’79 in Central Massachusetts. That 70’s Show hit the mark exactly. We even had the same wallpaper in our kitchen.

    It’s correct that things like wallpaper would lag in style from the current date. Wallpapering wasn’t something you’d do yearly, and theirs would probably mark the date of when they bought their house.

  3. You think people would have stopped smoking weed by…a TV show? Seriously?

    Unplug, friend. Only knowing the US through TV is messing with your brain.

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