Who do you regret you stopped talking to? Why?

  1. “HER” and because I didn’t make things right with her when i had the chance to and not a day goes by that I don’t regret that!!!😞🤷🏻‍♂️😥

  2. Not a one. If the reason was enough to stop talking in the first place, no reason to miss that drama or bring it back into your circle of peace.

  3. It isn’t a matter of having ‘stopped talking to’, rather, a circumstantial set of events and non-events which to this day I’m still in ruminations over, hoping some tiny spark of calculable insight will occur to me and voila, I can take reins and make things right.

  4. Regrets are for people living in the past. There is no point whatsoever in worrying about things that can’t be changed.

  5. I have no regrets because I put myself on the line and I absolutely have no regrets.

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