What actions have you done because you didn’t want to look like a creep?

  1. Nothing. I don’t care how people interpret my actions. My motives are beyond their understanding.

  2. I avoid hugging people to the point where people think I’m not a hugger (I actually really love a hug)

  3. I’m not going out of my way to avoid doing anything “creepy”. I’ll be respectful, but I’m not doing bs like crossing the street if I’m walking behind a lady at night. If you’re scared go to church like ice cube said.

  4. I keep things VERY professional when it comes to work. Too much bullshit these days.

  5. Intense eye contact mostly. I’m like don’t look at their tits don’t look at their tits.

  6. Don’t go into any job dealing with children. Never be alone with children without a woman around. Stop approaching and hitting on women in any capacity. Avoid interacting with attractive women as much as possible. Never go out in public alone as a guy. Wear glasses if you’re buff to look less intimidating. Never make a move, always ask for consent even if it’s awkward “can I kiss you?”, “can I hold your hand?”. Never ask for a woman’s number. Don’t look in the direction of women at the gym wearing revealing clothing. Masturbate regularly to make sure you’re free of pathologized male sexual desire at all times. Never compliment a woman’s body. Don’t have sex or partake in any intimacy whatsoever if a woman has had a drink.

  7. I let a girl walk away without at least asking her if she wanted my phone number. It felt like we had common interests and values, but I was too focused on not making her uncomfortable to do anything about it.

    I also regularly stay away from young women when I’m at the gym. Less so to not be a creep, and more so to avoid any bs that they might cook up.

  8. I was working out at the gym, using one of those chair benches some gyms have like Crunch. There was a girl doing hip thrusts I think on a long bench in front of me. As I’m doing my sets, trying to just listen to my music and focus on my workout, I can feel her eyes plastered on me for some odd reason. I don’t know why I felt she was staring so hard, because I wasn’t doing anything out of the ordinary. As this went on for about my entire workout, I wanted to be sure she wasn’t looking at me so I did one more set of some shoulder exercise. She kept staring. So, after I finished my set, I got up and left. But I didn’t just leave the area, I fucking left the gym.

    And here’s the kicker, as I somehow rationalized it in my mind that I was in some way creeping her out, the moment I got up to leave, I could see her just for a second take out one of her earbuds and rest from her workout as if she was ABOUT to talk to me. But I was already walking to the door.

    Probably one of the cringiest experiences in the gym for me. Now looking back at it, she probably just liked what she saw and it wasn’t me creeping her out, it was her creeping me out to the point of leaving the building.

    Nowadays, I don’t give a fuck but anyone else in the gym. I’m gonna focus on my own shit, you do your own shit. If that makes you uncomfortable, too bad.

  9. I generally completely ignore women when I’m in any type of public setting. I mean: I see right through them. This wasn’t the case a couple of decades ago, but a series of bad encounters in professional situations with crazy women has ruined it all for me. Once I even stepped out of an elevator as a younger woman stepped on. Because I did not feel comfortable being alone with her in the elevator for the ride down. It’s come to that for me. Women did this to themselves.

  10. I try to not walk too quietly because I don’t want to alarm people who weren’t expecting me. It still happens anyways but I like to think it helps.

  11. stay away completely, don’t look, don’t talk and if possible don’t even be there.

  12. I refrain from bopping strangers on the head with my penis.

    I also don’t pop my finger up people’s bumholes to surprise them.

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