I’ve been dating this guy for about 2 weeks. We hit it off well, had a lot in common!

So one day he tells me to call him after I get home from work so we can hang out. He didn’t know the exact time I got home, but I didn’t call him immediately when I did because I didn’t want to jump up and leave as soon as I got home. So I lingered at home for a little bit playing on my phone. Then when I told him “I’m omw” I went to his house to pick him up for our date (I was paying) & I told him I was outside over the phone… Then he left me outside for 40 minutes before coming out and said he didn’t know I was there. I didn’t trip, I brushed it off as a misunderstanding.

Another time he would act like he couldn’t hear me on the phone.

Then, yesterday I was at work and he called and asked if I wanted to get some food with him and that he’ll be on his way to my house and be there in 15 minutes but he didn’t arrive until about 30 minutes to an hour later. No problem because I was held up with a customer anyways. So by the time he arrived to my house, I told him I finally finished the job and I’m heading home I’ll be there in 15. By this time he was already outside my apartment waiting. But the freeway had a detour so I showed up 5 minutes later than 15 minutes. And he was gone. I called and texted him that I was home but got no answer. He finally texted me 3 hours later into the night that he’s here. He said he didn’t see my message or call because he went to Kohl’s and to search for an alignment shop. But it doesn’t make sense because he is new to the city and had to use his phone for Google maps. So I’m wondering how he didn’t see my missed call and texts…Also what happened to waiting for me to arrive? I felt he got mad because it wasn’t fast enough for him and he was trying to teach me a lesson! So I asked him about it …

  1. I would have too people only treat you the way they think they can, or you allowed them too

  2. I think he’s being petty and provoking or testing you to see how much you can take before you break.

  3. He’s playing all these games, sorry to say he doesn’t care about you. Dump him

  4. Being this flakey this early into the game is not a good sign. Every guy that’s ever done this to me turned out to be more trouble than they were worth or naturally abusive in other ways. Cut him off.

  5. This to me is a great case of him seeing how much you will tolerate. I do not like that kind of energy.

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