
  1. He has a crush on you but is insecure/shy. He might be an over thinker who wants to get his feelings across but is too shy to do so. If you want a relationship sounds like you might have to be the forward one.

  2. He doesn’t know how to deal with how he feels around you, which makes him act oddly, which makes you feel as uncomfortable as he is.

  3. First of all, I of course can’t tell for sure if he hates you or has a crush on you, but it sounds like something similar that happened to me.

    There was a girl that I really didn’t have a crush on, but whenever I was around her or had to talk to her my face turned all red and I got really uncomfortable and shy and couldn’t focus anymore so I probably behaved really awkward in general too. I also became a bit frustrated at myself in these situations. So I of course avoided her as much as I could.

    I didn’t hate her or had a crush on her, it was just weird and I don’t know what was going on. Maybe it’s the same situation here.

  4. Just letting you know the same guy you talking about also wrote on Reddit , Lol. And yes he awkward around you cause he has strong feelings for you. He is in complete limerence and infatuated with you that he doesn’t know how to act around you in fear that he may say or do something stupid infront of you. I know the shy type cause I am one. But yeah good luck hope you guys can begin something before it ends. ✌🏾

  5. Sounds like he has a crush. I’m a dude and can sometimes act like this if I think the girl isn’t interested. Keeps me from getting my hopes up and feelings hurt.

  6. I agree with everyone, but I wouldn’t jump on attraction immediately. Some ppl just react weirdly to benign things and then behave awkwardly bc they don’t know how to navigate those weird feelings/thoughts. I’m making it sound worst than I mean though lol. I just mean something like maybe they thought you saw them do something embarrassing or you just heavily, awkwardly remind them of someone else. The latter has happened to me before, and it was so obvious how uncomfortable I was. :$

  7. Maybe he has a girlfriend and doesn’t want you or his friends to know he is talking to you. This would explain lots of this behavior. Should double check with his mates to see if he has a significant other

  8. fuck this is me around people I like lmao and I’m a girl. When I’m getting to know people, I’m totally fine. But the moment my brain picks up on **good vibes**, it makes me panic be awkward. I feel like my confident/adventurous side is constantly at odds with my social anxiety so it doesn’t add up.

    If you know for a fact that you’re not interested in them romantically, you could find some way to mention a date or something to give the hint. Then just continue on as a friend in whatever capacity they seem to be open to. Just mirror their vibes and accept if they’re a little social awkward or whatever, as long as they’re not treating you poorly. If you think you’re interested, just spend more time with them and it’ll die away.. If it doesn’t die away, talk about your feelings and ask them how they feel. It’s better to be direct, even at the risk of rejection/embarrassment.

  9. He really likes you and must be shy to make him act weird

    Nervous too

    If you like him tell him , it would ease his mind and I bet he will be not.al afterwards.

    Try it , but only if you like the guy .

  10. Communicate with the dude via text if he doesn’t make you feel uncomfortable. Maybe he will be more confident. Not everyone is strong speaker.

  11. Most likely has a crush on you and is just shy. If you feel comfortable doing so you could try to initiate something to show that you don’t care about him being awkward, which might ease his discomfort and hopefully help him open up around you.

  12. Either he likes you and is flustered or you guys just don’t click and he’s aware and that makes him flustered. Sometimes there are people who I don’t have a crush on that I just can’t figure out chemistry with. But yeah it feels like he likes you

  13. He’s invited you to activities with other people, is there any crossover? Maybe he’s trying to wingman a friend and then stay out of the way.

  14. If you are on speaking terms. Ask to talk with him after class in a public area like the quad. Just ask him wtf is wrong.

    To me, seems like it’s likely he has a crush and doesn’t know wtf to do about it. I would be uncomfortable too if I was getting feelings for someone a year out of high school but that’s just me.

    I’d really just ask, “Dude, do you like me or something? Like have a crush? I need to know. You’ve been acting strange and it’s got me worried.”

    If you like him and feel safe enough to ask him this stuff, then you could provide him a chance to be clear. Demand he be clear. But also consider what answers he will give so you can be prepared.

  15. it looks like he does have certain issues , maybe he have social anxiety which makes your encounters awkward . maybe you are over thinking and he just want to be friends .

    but he invited you and didn’t really talked then its also kinda werid , if he wants to just friends he shouldn’t act like this.

    the only way to know what’s in his mind is to just ask him. have a talk and ask why would he invite you to paries and stuff when he hardly speaks to you and is so incosistent .

    and don’t put the you are into me or not question it might trigger him or put you in akward position and if the conversation goes well and smooth and maybe you can ask him.

  16. I have read the same story from the guys point of view. He most likely wrote about this and seemed to be infatuated and really shy around you.

  17. He’s a beta simp who wants you basically. If he can’t hold a conversation in front of you then how’s he gonna act when the restaurant bill comes? What’s he gonna do when the car needs to be fixed?

    It sounds like he doesn’t have a spine and isn’t worth your time. He’s a little boy, what you need is a man.

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