
So I will try to keep this short. We have been in a relationship for 10 years. I do love this person very much and I feel like I make her part of my priority in my life.

Some context. I don’t really have a big family. It’s just my mom and I and hold lots of responsibility in the house since I was 18. My gf has both parents and a sister who’s older and they live with their bf. We both live with our parents and we live relatively close.

Anyways. I have a normal 9-5 job and she works around 11-7 job and doesn’t usually have weekends off while I do. I never really ask her to hang out after she gets off work because I want her to relax or have time for herself which she has expressed before so I respect that. Though last week she went out with her girl-friends out dancing and drinking on a Monday night after work till 1am while she had to go work the next day at 10am. I only get bothered about that because I’m the past when I asked to hang out after work she would say she’s tired and wants to sleep and feel rested for the next workday.

Recently, we planned to do something in the afternoon and I asked if we could have dinner after and she just said “yeah, but my sister asked to do something so I’ll have to double check with her”. Which makes me feel like not a priority in her by not considering how I feel given that we don’t get to always spend time together. Also, it’s worth mentioning her sister has no problem saying she cannot hangout because she has plans with her own boyfriend.

So overall it just makes me feel crappy. Am I doing something wrong here? Is it valid to feel like this?

tl;dr My (26F) GF chooses her Friends and Family over me (28M). In a 10 year relationship. Don’t feel like a priority. Is it valid to feel like this?

  1. Why are you so passive? You don’t press for plans so she makes her own. If she wants time at home she can re-express that as needed. Make plans

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