My girlfriend moved down to nc a few years ago and I’ve been living between here and nys since covid began. Tbh this weather is making me swear off of ever coming back o.0

  1. Not a southerner but we regular get temperatures of above a hundred here. I wear lots of western clothing or outdoor clothing. River pants loose shirts etc

  2. I complain about it a lot and try to stay in the A/C as much as possible. Seriously, in the summer I try and stay indoors as much as I can. I only go out for any extended period of time to mow the stupid lawn and even that is far too long.

  3. I don’t live in the south anymore but AC and swamp coolers were a big part of my life there.

  4. I’m from NC.

    Shorts, sleeveless shirts, flipflops, and lots of water if you need to be outside.

    Otherwise you stay inside until like 7pm.

    You do get used to it though. I grew up there and could spend all day outside even if it was 90+. I’d bitch the whole time, but I could do it.

    Despite being cooped up all winter, I do more shit outside in Michigan than I ever did down south.

  5. Besides your body getting somewhat accustomed to it, we essentially just complain about it and stay full of cold drinks, usually either beer, tea, or lemonade. The heat is relentless 7mo out of the year, day and night, sweat doesn’t evaporate. It’s like living in a sauna. As soon as you walk outside, it’s like walking through a boiling pot of soup.

    That’s why I won’t hear none of the desert people talk about heat. This is my hill to die on

  6. Sweet Tea and Neighborhood Gossip.

    But on a serious note, I have visited the Deep South several times in the spring/ early summer and loved it. Houses are built with large open porches / verandas, in the specific directions which catch the cool wind, while avoiding the direct sun. And then there are ceiling fans on the porches, so people just chill out there.

    And of course, stay indoors with A/C.

  7. It’s actually a little bit funny, but living in Florida and most people who move here say it was because of the weather. At the same time those who are moving away are saying the same thing. Clearly it’s not for everyone

  8. My brother in AZ says we manage it like you do the cold, we stay inside when it’s really hot out. Or traverse from one air conditioned place to another with their air conditioned cars.

  9. Tips for staying cool:

    1. Wear light colored breathable lightweight clothing.
    2. Stay hydrated. If you’re overheated, drink something cool not cold.
    3. AC is your friend.
    4. Seek out shade and/or bodies of water.
    5. Keep hair off of your neck.
    6. Start going outside in March or April regularly to acclimate.
    7. Go outside primarily in the early morning or evening to avoid the heat.
    8. Park your car in the shade if possible and crack the window slightly to let the hot air out. It will get even hotter than it is outside if all windows are all the way up in a short period of time.

  10. I guess your body adapts to it. Plus there’s AC. I still wonder how northerners can deal with the snow especially a snowstorm, those are the worst!

  11. I work outside everyday. You don’t get use to it. I can probably withstand heat better than others but it still sucks. I’ve had 2 heat strokes and came close many times since. Look at the heat index instead of temperature. Yea 92 degrees is hot but 105 degrees on the heat index can be dangerous. You have to learn your body and it’s ques telling you you’re overheating. I can tell you from personal experience, when you stop sweating and you feel your skin getting hot, stop, go inside, and drink a ton of water. But avoiding outside rigorous tasks during the hotter times of the day is always helpful. There’s no escaping it, it is what it is lol.

  12. Becoming a vampire, I’ve been working 3rd shift since I was 19-20. I do most of my running around in the middle of the night and early morning. Almost always back home before the hottest part of the day.

  13. Air conditioning. I’m extremely serious— the population down here exploded only when it became common and affordable to have AC. Other than that, try not to do anything during daylight hours, or at least limit yourself to the very early morning and late afternoon. Or, if you do want to be outside during the day, go to a body of water— even if you don’t get in it, it’s usually cooler with the breeze.

  14. Don’t go outside between like 12:30 and 4:30.

    In Florida, the best beach times are sunrise to 10:30 am and like 5:30/6:00 pm to sunset (usually 8:30 pm) in the summer.

    Edit: I absolutely love summer btw. Yeah it’s hot whatever, all the snowbirds are gone, beaches are quieter, the days are longer, more sunshine, I love it.

  15. I prefer the hot. Hate the winter. Just have a good AC unit and you’ll acclimate

  16. It’s really not that bad when you wrok outside all day you get used to it pretty quick. Summers in Texas are way better than summers in Illinois.

  17. I grew up in South Alabama. You get used to it after a while. Big tips: avoid being out in the sun between noon and 4 PM. Stay near the water. Stay in AC.

  18. The superintendent asked that to me and my supervisor. Simple answer: you just get used to it.

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