Is there anybody here willing to help me be fluent in English? I’ve been living here in the US for five years now and I still haven’t made any good progress when it comes to speaking the language. I’m confident when it comes to writing it but I seriously need help with having conversations especially when it’s on the spot, I would get mental block and embarrass myself in front of people. I want to make friends but I get really anxious and would overthink everything I say so I ended up not saying anything and now people perceive me as very quiet and reserved when I’m the complete opposite. I feel like not being as social as I was before moving here affected my social skills so much. Do you guys have any suggestions? Thank you so much!

  1. Try reading english books out loud to get more comfortable vocalising the english language.

  2. There are classes at most colleges or online that can help teach the language.

    Most people will be willing to try to hold a conversation, even if you have a thick accent.

    I’ll talk with you. DM me

  3. I think that being more social and more willing to make attempts to speak will precede feeling comfortable with the language. Learning and growing happen outside of our comfort zone. There is nothing inherently embarrassing about not being able to pronounce something or communicate quickly. You’re being too hard on yourself. Get out there, make mistakes, accept corrections, and try your best. You will get better 100% chance!

    One trick I used when learning a new language by necessity was including the fact that I was new to that language in my introduction. My patients had much more patience with me and appreciated my genuine attempt to learn their language. This led to some very fast learning for me.

    You need to immerse yourself. Just get in there and do it. Your inner extrovert will claw its way out before you know it you’ll be talking to cashiers about their nieces vacation in English.

    You got this homie!

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