My (26M) gf (21F) was showing me something on her phone and saw in her recently saved snaps was of her wearing a lingerie piece that she never sent to me (she’s had it for a while and has worn it for me before and it was taken on a night that she wore it before I came over) she nervously said “oh I sent that to my friend Shianne to see if it looked sexy” which I thought was odd. Women of Reddit, is this an actual thing that women do or is she most likely lying? She claimed to have deleted all guys from Snap but she has been flirty with other guys before I called her out on it, our relationship seems pretty good although that week was hard bc I was out of town for work.

  1. As a woman, me and my best friend (girl) frequently send pictures of us in lingerie to see if we look sexy. Its with the intent to wear later that evening for our SO

  2. A little sus but unfortunately nothing you can do or say but keep your eye open and stay quiet

  3. I’ve sent and discussed pictures with female friends before. It’s a plausible explanation. Whether it’s true, I have no idea, but I would give her the benefit of the doubt.

  4. Yeah if I look hot I send it to my mates, less risky than sending to a guy. Unless it’s a LTR

  5. I know I don’t send lingerie pics to my girlfriends 😂

    I mean if I say I want to try something new for the boy I ask for advice or ideas but I’m not sending them that 🙄

  6. You seem controlling. A person can’t have a sexy picture of themselves on their own phone without sending it to their SO? According to you, no. No wonder poor girl was nervous.

  7. Depends, was it an innocent try-on? Or was it full makeup and posing provocatively? I’ve gotten pictures trying things on but never one where they are outwardly trying to be sexy.

  8. I do think you are seriously over thinking this. Totally normal for women to share with girlfriends what they are wearing, especially if its a new date and they are excited. Try not to let your thoughts about her past or being flirty sneak in and sabotage what could be a great relationship. Be careful of that especially if you are prone to it.

  9. It’s a little sus but is a plausible explanation, girls do comment and critique each other’s attire regularly.

  10. Plausible explanation. My ex sent pics of her lingerie, underwear, other clothes, whatever to her friends too and asked them for feedback. Or she and her friends showed each other their newest pieces in person whenever they had a girls night. Don’t think too much into it and definitely take care no to suspect something in every little move she does, definitely not healthy for either of you, because that way your trust in each other crumbles..

  11. I too don’t share my sexy pics with my hubby too but like to share them with my Reddit friends. Obviously without a face though. Makes me feel horny and also sexy . What harm it does to my hubby ?

  12. I ask my girls how something looks… I can send it to a guy a lot of the time especially if it’s fucking lingerie. Don’t be stupid.
    Always follow your gut it’s never wrong.

  13. I would trust her, as it sounds like a very plausible explanation.

    She deleted ALL guys from snap? That’s impressive. Cutting out every single guy friend seems tedious. I could never do that to the girl friends on snap

  14. My ex would double check lingerie pictures with her friend before sending it to me, personally I think its weird. But each to their own.

    I had been cheated on before that relationship so I was pretty guarded anyway, what I will say is everything looks like a red flag when you have doubt in your mind, but also don’t ignore your gut.

  15. I can totally see sending a pic like that to a girlfriend if I was trying to impress my date and feeling a little insecure or even if I was feeling like I was looking extra hot. Women talk pretty openly, see each other naked, hell sometimes 3 women will go into a 1 room bathroom together and talk while all taking turns peeing in front of each other. We can be weird that way. I wouldn’t worry much about it if there is nothing else going on that seems off.

  16. Don’t act like you don’t send pictures of your bulge to your bros and ask how you look

  17. I mean, I sent pics to my female friends to see if it looks sexy. Then I proceed to sharing it with my partner just because I want them to see too! So it’s sus.

  18. Yes this is an actual thing, I have never in my life sent nudes or sexual pics to a guy but I’ve sent them to my female friends for a boost in confidence or to ask do I look stupid. Totally normal

  19. The part about her sending it to her girlfriends seems normal.

    The part about her deleting ALL the guys from her snap? That’s concerning. Did you make her? Did she do it on her own?

  20. This is veering on girl code but yes, I’ve done this a bunch of times. Not so much anymore bc I guess it feels kinda weird now if the picture is more risky/exposed. But definitely in my early 20s when I wanted a second opinion before sending 🤭

    Edit: If she has never sent you said pictures then that is a bit sus

  21. I have three woman besties I often send lingerie selfies to (and vice versa) before I wear them for my husband. Women are incredible at building each others confidence and sometimes we need that boost to bring the energy we’re shooting for! It is 100% normal.

  22. Definitely would send to my friends, we share everything 😅 well not everything…one wanted to borrow my vibrator and that’s where it crossed the line 😂 crazy

  23. Yesss women do this. Sometimes we keep them for ourselves. I had a whole relationship end over selfies I took literally for myself (not even sexual just normal selfies) because the guy was so paranoid about being cheated on again (previous girlfriend). He went crazy on me and said they were for someone else. It’s insane how much people can read into things.

  24. My friends sometimes send me their nudes to rate them before they send them to a guy to make sure they look hot. It’s definitely a thing girls do, but in the end you’re the one that has to make the call on whether to believe her or not.

  25. I’ve definitely sent lingerie pics to my group chat.

    Sometimes, the best mirrors are your best friend’s eyes. Body dysmorphia is real, and it sucks. I trust my best friends over my own eyes sometimes, and I trust them to tell me if I look good or if I need to go back to the drawing board.

    I hope your girlfriend was keeping it real with you about the picture. It’s not at all uncommon to share pics with our girlfriends, but just watch, you know?

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