I’ve got a check up for the first time in years coming up, and I’m not looking forward to it.

I’ve lived on a steady diet of sweets and chocolate and coffee for a few years.

  1. Mine went fine- I still hate going, though!

    I had to go back for a polish/clean. They don’t do it on the same day now.

  2. 2 parts to this but overall, awful.

    Got a big fuck off needle right in me gum but felt like he was touching a lung, and the tithead dentist (who told me it was his first ever day) gave me too much anesthetic, so the adrenaline was too much and I was shaking like I had Parkinson’s for an hour, had to get a taxi home (which was £18 ffs) and then ended up waiting months for a referral to the dental hospital where they put me under general anesthetic and get it surgically removed. But it gets worse.

    I had to take someone with me so they could bring me home after because I’d be all drugged up. My nan said she’d take me, you’d think god bless her, but the wicked aul witch ended up taking me round Primark for an hour STRAIGHT AFTER THE OPERATION. PRIMARK. FOR AN HOUR. WOULDNT EVEN LEAVE ME IN THE CAR. HAD TO GO WITH HER SO SHE COULD BUY KNICKERS WHICH I HAD TO HOLD IN THE QUEUE.

    TL;DR, had a fucking awful time.

  3. I got admonished for not being to see them since 2020 for a checkup. I did say it wasn’t for want of trying.

  4. Absolutely painless, no issues. Well , one minor annoyance is still being asked to wear a mask in these types of settings.

  5. Mine was still open during covid. My old dentist retired just before covid and I went to the new one for the first time in September 2020. They seem shit, barely feels like they look at my teeth and they don’t clean them like the old one used to

    But I guess my teeth must be okay despite having a diet of sugar. No fillings since I was a teenager and I’m in my 30s now. Dreading the day I need work done tbh

  6. My gums were a bit receded. I had a sensitive tooth that I thought might need filling but turned out to be thin enamel. Had a clean and am OK now.

    I honestly thought Ud be in trouble but turns out he thought I was OK

    Mt dental hygiene was certainly patchy.

    Last went September 2019, returned Jan 2023!

  7. Got de-registered from my NHS dentist for having not gone for 2 years, nowhere in my city was taking on new NHS patients so booked private. Needed a filling which cost £250 compared to the £50ish it would have been as an NHS patient 🫠

  8. Still haven’t had mine, been cancelled twice, next date is beginning of April, but each previous appointment was cancelled just hours before.
    No dentists, they’ve all left the NHS. My practise had 4 dentists pre covid now have 1.5, not including my lovely one that never came back.

  9. Recommended me for a follow up scale and polish (which I had to wait another three or four months for), but no actual “work” required.

  10. Hadn’t been to dentist in 6 years. Needed a clean and three small fillings.

    Quoted me £250 per filling. So I’ll be having them done in Thailand in a few weeks whilst I’m there on holiday for £20-30 each.

    I even have dental insurance that covered the check up and cleaning (£100+£125). It covers half the cost of routine dental work, the fillings work out £375 for three tiny fillings which is still taking the piss.

  11. I changed dentist because my old one had (like everywhere else) become private only but their prices are extortionate so I found another local one which is half the price and has better reviews.

    I needed a filling replaced which had fallen out in lockdown, and a scale and polish but that was all.

    I’m a sugar addict too!

  12. first time in *years*?? jesus. Tell me you’re an NHS patient without saying blah blah blah

    I’m a private patient, I had multiple appointments (routine & emergency) during covid. My dental health has improved since 2019.

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