Last summer, I got invited to go on a camping trip with someone I hardly knew.

This wasn’t a small trip. \~30 people were sharing this one large site. I recognized a total of 2 people.

But, against my better judgment, I had nothing else going on and I decided to check it out.

As you can imagine, the beginning was tough. Awkward small chat as far as the eye can see. And I couldn’t escape the awk bc we were out in the wilderness.


I figured fuck it, might as well embrace the fact that nobody knows me and start talking to everyone I can. It turned out to be fantastic! I managed to make new friends, play guitar with a crew that jams, and found a guest for my podcast.

So many wild adventures came from this one night I showed up, all because I decided to show up.

Now, when I’m nervous about going to social situations (networking, parties with randos), I think back to this memory as a point of strength. It proved that I did it once I can do it again. Really helps the nerves.

Kinda like the David Goggins “cookie jar” concept.

If you expose yourself to more and more social random situations, you can be more confident in the little everyday ones. Say yes to all social situations that come your way, even if you hardly know the people. It’ll make you a more interesting, adventurous, and confident person.

  1. My problem is that it’s rare for me to be invited to things in the first place.

  2. I did something similar on a much lower scale that I also think back to!

    I went to a friend’s 21st birthday party, and we met at her house with everyone and were supposed to go out. Birthday girl didn’t want to go out anymore, but the rest of the group was. I only knew birthday girl but asked her friends if I could join and we ended up having a great time! There was never an awkward silence or a time I felt like I was “out of the group,” and met some really awesome people, some of which I still stay in contact with.

    I’m super shy and have a hard time making friends. So that memory fuels my confidence and extinguishes social anxiety because I had a positive interaction of just being myself and succeeded in making friends.

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