OMG… I WFH and so does hubby. I am going to lose my shit because we have different problems and different solutions and he is SURE that his are all right, and I am an under-education neanderthal.I need to ask about the school pick up but he doesn’t answer his slack till certain times of the day, doesn’t check his phone till certain times of the day, doesn’t want me randomly knocking on his door… Oh yeah, and I am expected to get that next cert for my profession so that within the prescribed time I will accept a higher paying offer and if I don’t make those timelines that he expects, I am lazy. Yeah, lazy. I have two kids and a full time job and if I do housework, I am filling my own time with unnecessary “self-inflicted busy-ness” – until he runs out of shirts, then who gets to hear about it?
And every time he wants to make a point, it takes him at least 10 minutes, minimum, to tell all the details of why he thinks what he does. Groan, can’t take it every day.

Seriously, I think that I am on the verge of a divorce half the time and so is he but we are in an economic prison 🤦‍♀️

  1. Oof my husband said that thing about “filling my time with self-inflicted busy-ness” and I just about killed him.

    Our baby is 8 weeks old sir. Formula has to be made, bottles prepped, laundry done because we’re out of burp cloths and swaddles. These all have to be done BEFORE we actually need the thing.

  2. Stop doing his laundry. Stop cooking food for him. Stop cleaning up any of his stuff. Just stop all of it and let him manage his own things.

    But yeah, you need to split. Jim calling you lazy over a job cert is abhorrent.

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