I used to have Facebook but I deactivated once I got social anxiety due to the fact I felt awkward when I got like 6 birthday congratulations, when everyone else got 30+. I never had instagram, and I have snapchat but I have like 10000 in snap score. I am at the point in life where I feel confident enough to approach people, and I want to improve my social skills. But everytime people ask for my socials I don’t know what to say, I still don’t have a lot of friends and if I were to make an insta I can only think of like 5 people that would follow me.

This especially sucks when I’m at the gym and I see a girl giving me all the signs to come and say hi, I have the confidence to do it but I know that me not being on social media will be a major red flag. I wish I could start with 100 followers on insta, and I would install it in a hearthbeat. Does anyone know how I should solve this? I am not anti social-media, it’s just that I don’t have any friends now, and not having social media is also slowing down my ability to get friends.

  1. You’re really making a big problem of something that doesn’t matter

    Just say “I don’t use social media, I’ll give you my number instead”

  2. Social media is like the candy of being social. A little bit is fine, none is better and too much will spoil your dinner and too much every day will make you fat and slow and weird.

  3. The mega star social media influencer of Yoga with Adriene just met and married a guy who has no social media. Being authentically yourself and developing your interests and talents will attract people. Be confident and give attention to your texts when you do start texting with people. Or get started on Insta and make it show just enough bits of your life philosophy and interests to calm curiosity if people do stalk you to see who you are. Disclaimer: I’m old enough to remember when we had to network without branding ourselves on social media so I am conscious that it is just a brand of marketing – share a few snippets with your interests and hobbies, music tastes etc…and leave it at that, don’t worry about numbers of followers or interactions it’s just an advertising billboard to prove you are real and know how to use the internet. Bonus if you can share pictures of a pet.

  4. Just get instagram, add people you know, and add people you meet. Get some good pictures on there too and that’s really all you need. Pretty much everyone has instagram.

    Post stories of you going and doing interesting things and if you see people doing stuff on their stories you can comment as well. This will help for building connections and being social, while also creating interest in yourself.

  5. I used to have snapchat but deleted it because of toxic ppl and I rarely got on it because of less friends but you could just give your number instead. If she can’t accept that either makes a big deal or makes fun of that then she isn’t the right girl for you.

  6. Just… create a social media account? It’s a trivially easy change that you have instant control over.

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