The other day we had an argument so I took off walking for like 2 hours. He is constantly accusing me of cheating when I have been completely loyal, I’m with him 24 hours a day when would I have time for that? He thinks I sneak out at night he finally put cameras up, and I’m happy about it. Unfortunately he is still always thinking I’m up to something when I’m not. So I was walking and he met up with a friend and then he picked me up we dropped the friend off and went home. We were fine and then I said jokingly “don’t be a baby” and he replied with “maybe I should just hit you that’s what Jason said I should do”. He has never hit me before but he has been acting a bit out of character lately and the accusations never stop. He did apologize after saying that and said he would never hit me. I don’t know what to do anymore. He won’t have any of his friends over anymore because he thinks that they are trying to get with me. Another time in a friends car I was in the backseat and he was in the passengers and we got home he accused me of making sexual gestures at his friend. That is something I couldn’t do if I wanted to I’m a shy introvert. All of the accusations are really bumming me out.

  1. You need to leave for you own safety. This man has threatened you with physical harm. You ought to immediately go to relatives or friends and get away from him. You should also report this to the police that your bf has threatened you.

    The accusations may also be projection on his part. That he is cheating. I think your relationship is pretty much over anyway. Please be safe.

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