What’s a good joke to make a girl laugh?

  1. The one’s that she feels bad laughing about, but can’t help herself.

  2. You know if you were a fruit you’d be a fineapple?

    Does your face hurt? Cause it’s killing me.

    If you have six tea cups and you take one away how many do you have? She’ll reply “59”. No, you’ll have 5.

    If a rooster lays an egg atop a triangle roof (make a triangle shape with two hands while you say this) which way does the egg fall? She’ll reply “down or idk”. You tell her roosters don’t lay eggs.

    I have magic tricks and one liners to enhance a boring experience. However, I make it a point to entertain myself. When you TRY to entertain her you come off as a jester. So, choose your approach wisely. Good luck. #freegame

  3. If you want to be funny youll need more than a rehearsed one liner. Gotta be witty in the moment.

    Edit: okay I’ll be more helpful. When you’re alone, tell yourself a story of something that happened to you. A fun and/or interesting tale. Tell it to yourself out loud. Then wait a little and tell it again. Don’t try to memorize it or anything, but just get used to telling it. A good funny story told well does wonders

  4. You can be funny without having a canned joke. If you’re witty and have charisma it’s not hard to make a lady laugh in the moment.

  5. On dating apps, I open up with dad jokes. “So there are two goldfish in a tank. One looks at the other and says: “hey, do you know how to drive this thing?” That usually gets a laugh

    Either make dad jokes, or Seinfeld jokes, witty observational humor.

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