Women of Reddit, how are you dealing with the stimulant shortage?

  1. I guess by not knowing that there was a stimulant shortage. I’ll suppose i should stock up on coffee and tea.

  2. I don’t take any but my friend with ADHD is not having a good time. She’d just gotten a prescription before this started happening so she got a brief taste of relative normalcy, and now it’s gone.

  3. I was only on it for a month, but I’m letting myself feel sad. We know what the problem is now, and there’s nothing we can do to fix it.

  4. I wasn’t aware that there was one, but I don’t take any prescription stimulants. I hope the people who need them are able to get their medications.

  5. I don’t use stimulants. I would not be aware of shortages unless they became repeat front page news.

  6. I’ve changed my RX to a lower dose that my pharmacy usually has in stock. I’ve been VERY lucky to have only gone without for a week ish because wow am I a shitty mom/person in general while unmedicated 🙃

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