I’m not sure if anyone else has any experience with this or not. A lot of times when I have sex with my partner, the sex will be going well. I will have already came a couple of times and will be just waiting for him to finish. Right when he’s moaning and about to cum, half the time he will switch to, “Ow, my leg! I have a cramp in my leg!” Then he will get up and go limping around for a couple minutes before coming back to continue sex. By that point, I’m normally not in the mood, but I go along with it for his sake anyway. Sometimes it will happen again a second time though. Right when he’s about to cum, he’s back to having a cramp in his leg and having to walk it off. Then by the time he comes back to finish again, by that point I’m basically not even that wet anymore.

Any idea why this happens? Is there a way to fix it?

  1. Is he in shape?

    Is he properly hydrated?

    Does he do any sort of stretching during his day?

    I’ve gotten a cramp here and there when finishing but never on a consistent basis like this.

  2. Yes! Mercifully not for a few years. Yoga helps. Also I discovered that stevia gives me cramps.

    What’s really strange is that as of 2016 (the last time I had leg cramps) medical science didn’t know the cause of them.

  3. Some people use body/muscle tension to orgasm. I am not a doctor but I think, over a long period of time, this probably can cause issues like the ones you’ve described here. I’d ask him if he’s excessively tensing his muscles and if that’s how he learned to orgasm as a teen.

  4. I’ve had cramps in my extremities a few times right before or after finishing. I’ve had the arch of my foot cramp during particularly good blowjobs and a hand cramp from some bouts of intercourse. I always assumed it was low potassium or associated with building tension and relaxation.

    Leg cramps from actively fucking sound more like he needs to stretch and get back in shape. Water and a banana wouldn’t hurt either.

  5. Electrolytes in general, salt and potassium, hydration and stretching will help stave off cramps. I have this happen sometimes, mainly after intense exercise.

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