What’s a cumbersome or irritating aspect of owning your own small, private business jet?

  1. the cumbersome and irritating aspect of owning a small private jet, is owning a small private jet

    airplanes are money sinks, jets take it to the next level

  2. People on Reddit that will be able to answer this question having had experience owning a small, private, business jet: 0

    People that will answer anyways: 984,523,213,112

    Not sure, but I imagine it must be so irritating having to skip airport traffic, security lines, bag check, sitting in the middle seat between people who don’t wear deodorant, and getting stuck on the tarmac for 2 hours.

  3. People who don’t fly think its like a car, 99% of the time you jump in and go. Reality for aircraft is like 10% of the time you can’t fly due to weather and/or maintenance.

    Oh you need an oil change on your car, who cares drive to work get it tomorrow. Need an oil change on your aircraft? You’re grounded.

    You’d like to think the whole world’s a walmart and you go anywhere and get any fuel or oil or repair or spare part that you need. LOL how funny aviation is not like that, not at all. Sometimes it feels like a miracle anything can fly at all, and I’m talking about logistics not physics.

    AFAIK jets are like the C172 I took lessons in, just add one or two zeroes to the price of everything. There are minor technical details nobody cares about, like multiple engines mostly means things are going to break twice as often, LOL.

  4. You dont buy anything that flies, floats or fucks — the maintenance is a bitch — just rent it.

  5. “If it floats, flies, or fucks, rent – don’t own – it.”

    Basically, never buy something that depreciates when you can rent it instead. Aircraft, like boats and trophy wives, are black holes you throw money into, for the privilege of having the status and access that having one gets you.

    It’s cool to roll up at the private jet bar, and hobnob with the other elites. Same as it’s cool to go to the sailing club and hobnob with those rich people. But at the end of the day, you’re paying a shitload of money to travel in slightly more luxury than you would just flying business class. Only, the maintenance, insurance, fuel, pilot and landing fees are all on your dime, not the airline’s.

    As with all luxury items, they’re great to have and show off as long as you have the cash flow to afford them. But if you don’t, it’s just another way to bleed money.

  6. The ever increasing carbon offset task

    When will these winey environmentalists have enough

  7. I’d imagine the two happiest days of jet ownership are the same as the two happiest days of boat ownership.

  8. The gigantic amount of paperwork that comes with operating any aircraft, particularly one that can carry multiple passengers and multiengine jets.

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