Not sure if this is a normal thing or I need to go to the doctor but the shop near me has ran out of capri suns and Fanta so I’ve started drinking vimto but the fizzy and the still ones give me headaches. Like I’ll be fine drinking but then like an hour or 2 later I’d be getting a headache and need to take paracetamol.

Does this happen to you?

  1. Sugared drinks give me a sugar crash after a couple of hours, could this be what’s happening to you?

    Try switching to Vimto zero and see if it still happens.

  2. Red bull. I don’t really consume any caffeine, so the odd occasion I have red bull (usually nights out) it makes me feel like shit.

  3. Wine, especially red. My understanding is that it’s the tannins to blame. Gives me awful migraines.

  4. Not quite the same but Dr Pepper gives me wild dreams if I drink it within an hour of going to sleep.

    Can’t be the sugar because even the Zero version does it.

  5. There’s a particular bubble tea shop where I live where the tea gives me a headache for the rest of the day. Bubble tea from different shops is fine so I have no idea what it is about that one, a secret ingredient perhaps

  6. Stop drinking it then, and too be honest depending how often you’re drinking the other fizzy drinks/sugary drinks, the headaches could simply be caused by too much sugar and a lack of drinking water.

  7. Red wine, orange juice, cola of any variety although full fat coke is the worst, cider makes me ache all over, I stopped drinking them all years ago – I’ll periodically try half a glass of one of them to see if it’s still a problem and it still has been every time.

  8. No, it’s pretty common to have artificial colourings and sweeteners trigger headaches or migraines. There are so many of them that it isn’t always obvious which is the trigger. So: Vimto. Vimto is your trigger. Don’t drink Vimto.

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