Kind of a strange question I guess, but I really want help in learning how to become a girl’s girl and make strong friendships with other women. I’ve always wanted this, I just feel like there’s a secret handshake I never learned or something. I always grew up with mainly male friends and I know that’s considered a red flag, and as I get older I am really missing having those strong female connections. I really admire and support other women, I just don’t know how to form those strong bonds or socialize properly, it feels like I’m just missing the code. Does anyone have any advice?

I just feel like the few close female friendships I formed have all moved away. I’m an early 20s college student currently doing a semester online for various reasons and just have felt so lonely now that I’m not surrounded by college acquaintances all day I guess. I see so many strong and beautiful female friendships and I just want to form those but I feel like I have no idea how to start or maintain them as an adult. I’ve always been “well liked” in a surface level way in college etc, like in making acquaintances or being invited to things, but I have a hard time going beyond that to something more meaningful and it’s starting to get to me. I feel like even my college female friends intimidate me and there’s some kind of a wall there, and I’ve just always defaulted to friendships with men because it just felt familiar from a tomboy childhood and having “guy hobbies” but I really want fulfilling female friendships as well. Please help.

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