For context.. I’m 22(f). He’s a yr older than me. It seems as though I’ve fallen out of love with him.. but I can’t get myself to admit it to him. So I just pretend I’m happy. I may have been pretending for a while now. There were definitely many times we almost broke up, but for some reason the highs are very high and I would say he thinks we’re at a high right now. But really I’ve cried twice today.. hard. And I think I’m over it.
He is very in love and extremely affectionate and I don’t know how to do it. I don’t want to hurt him.. but I feel like I’m dying inside.

I am no longer in love anymore but have been pretending to be for a while now. I think I finally was able to admit it to myself only today though.

  1. I’m sorry, there is no secret way, you just have to do it. It’s like ripping a band-aid off. You know it will be uncomfortable and unpleasant. You know in the long run it will be better. But you just have to get through it in the short-term.

  2. You kinda just have to accept that it will hurt him in the short term, but ultimately know that this will be better in the long term for both of you. You each deserve to be with somebody you’re excited about, who is also just as excited about being with you.

  3. Ending relationships hurts – but it is a critical life skill. I know you don’t want to hurt him – but it won’t hurt less if you wait – and it will hurt more if you stay with him for the wrong reason – because that always ends badly. You have a good heart – now you have to be strong.

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