I’ve been dating this guy now for 1.5 months. at first, i really didn’t want to get involved for a few reasons. the age gap is a lot, and i don’t see our futures aligning. this basically has an expiration date for me, but that’s more a problem for him with his age and something i’d talk to him about. (for example i don’t see myself setting down ANY time soon aka YEARSSS & that can be unfair to him) he’s also in the service industry and i’m not so our schedules to hang out have been a bit hard.

i fell for him. i’ve met his friends 2x, met his brother on facetime. we are exactly alike, and at the moment right now he feels perfect to me. he makes me so happy and i love being with him.

we mostly hang out at his, we’ve only
done one date-like activity, otherwise we go to the bar. all this is fine cause it’s what i like to do anyway, but we haven’t even been out to dinner. we mostly order in, he doesn’t really cook and he did once but only cause i suggested it. told me he hasn’t cooked for a girl in a while.

i don’t know what i want, but i know i like him. is it bad to start the “what are we doing” conversation now and should i even be the one to do it? i have this feeling he’s not looking for anything serious but sometimes his actions make me question maybe he is.

tldr; F24 dating M34 for 1.5 months, want to know where it’s going but i also am confused on what i want as the age difference (and other things) make this feel like a could be relationship with expiration date

  1. Yes it’s a bad idea to have the where is this going conversation. Have fun and save that talk for your six month anniversary.

  2. Are you really confused about what you want? Really?

    It sounds like you met someone you like but who doesn’t meet your criteria. What you do with that is up to you.

  3. A month and a half in yeah I think a bit much having that conversation seriously.

  4. If you don’t know what you want, what do you expect to get from a conversation about where things are going?

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