Just as the title says, out of pure curiosity, has anyone ever considered this or researched this topic?
Or am I overthinking it, and krug just hit his wife with some sick misc. after a hard day of hunting?

  1. It’s hard to say for sure. I know when I have sex outside hiking in the woods it’s often doggy style. That’s pretty anecdotal but thats all I have to go on.

  2. No idea but I imagine doggy style but standing up against a tree or bent over something would be easy

  3. Watch the classic movie Quest for Fire to find out. It’s actually an amazing movie and I highly recommend it. Think you can find on YouTube

  4. This is actually interesting. My gut feeling is that sexual acts have been pretty much the same for millions of years, but I have absolutely nothing to back it up.

  5. I think, if there are differences between then and now, they are mainly due to practical matters like a need for discretion (it’s hard to keep your head down in doggy style) or different surfaces to lie on.

  6. Im Assyrian (I know different time period but still cool) and there’s lots of images of doggy style in all sort of ways. Including Eiffel Tower style threesomes and with a beer in the woman’s hand hahahahahaha

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