hello, i got a lot of weight recently and i wanna lost it before july arrives. i am 14 and i stopped being to school last year so yeah socially i am really bad. I asked my dad to bring me on the gym to make me discover but i didn’t like it at all. I was the only one that was really small, that was 14 and i felt like i was watched by everyone.. my anxiety is impossible to control.. i stopped school because of it but i want to at least go to the gym.. i dont wanna look fat when i go to the beach on my country..

  1. Hey, I’m a big ol’ fat person who goes to the gym, and no one ever bothers me. It can seem nerve-wracking at first, especially when everyone there is really fit! But, people at the gym are just there to work out. They are probably not looking at you at all, and almost definitely not thinking about you enough to judge you. Exercise is great for your health, and can even help ease your anxiety if you keep up with it, so don’t be scared! Being an anxious teenager is really hard, I know. But if you make exercise a consistent part of your lifestyle now, you will reap numerous health benefits in the future.

  2. As u/zettameters said – nobody at the gym actually cares. They are there to work on their bodies and won’t judge you.

  3. I have a lot of anxiety at the gym and haven’t been able to overcome it… but I realized my goal wasn’t to go to the gym, it was to lose weight so why fight it? The times I’ve been the healthiest were when I focused on ways to be active that I enjoyed because if I already pushed myself to get to the gym there wasn’t any gas left in the tank to push myself for a hard workout. For me, this was going for regular walks and doing at home workouts through Apple fitness and then doing longer hikes on the weekends because I like the outdoors. Spend some time thinking of what healthy activities you might actually look forward to and see if that still requires going to the gym

  4. Try doing bodyweight exercises, calisthenics, or even buy an adjustable dumbbell set to use at home first. You’ll gain confidence and become more comfortable with exercising that can make going to the gym easier.

  5. I always remind myself that everyone there have their own journey, goals and reasons why they’re there, they’re too busy working out. So everyone is focused on their own, as they should!

  6. At least you’re young. I’m late 20’s AND small. I havent been in 4 years and lost most of my strength. AND my gym is mostly buff high schoolers. Ugh

  7. Go in with the correct mindset:

    1, no one actually notices you, theyre heavily focused on what theyre doing and their routine.

    2, pretend this is in fact the 100th time youve been to the gym…this is such a matter of routine, you dont think twice about it.

    It’s how i handle going backwards through drivethrus in my mr2, it’s such a matter of routine i forget people notice me anymore.

  8. Go to gym. If u tell ur brain something is scary it makes u anxious so u dont go. If u go u show ur brain its not scary. Brain understand behavior and action. Show brain its not scary and it’ll stop being scared

  9. I had this problem – I recommend starting with exercises you are comfortable with (for me this was the elliptical and stationary bike). I would go in multiple times per week and do these exercises. Once I was comfortable being in the gym and internalized the fact that no one was watching or just me, I could push my comfort zone with weight machines, free weights, etc.

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