Saw this girl at this mall I was at. Just minding my business looking to buy a shirt real quick but I saw her sitting down on her phone and I just thought she was pretty. I approached, her eye contact and body language was welcoming so I ended up asking for her number. I got her number but I could tell she was kinda hesitant since it is personal. anyways I texted her if she wants to meet up but haven’t got a reply in 3 days. At that point I know it’s a no go lol but should I pursue. I’m not new to this so I know pursuing is not worth it at all as a dude but just looking for some advice haha.

  1. Do you know for certain it was her number?

    Either way delete and move on.

  2. Yeah it’s a no-go sorry about that. If you’re able to feel it out and build things up with some good conversation it helps

  3. No reply in 3 days means she’s not interested. Don’t bother messaging anymore, you’ll be blocked if it hasn’t happened already.

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