I been pretty lonely and ngl a lot of doomers online like to say it gets worse from here, which, doesnt really help me. I am not someone who will “get used” to loneliness and I highly doubt anyone realistically and truly gets used to it at all. Im 19 in college (community college… the social scene is ass) also working part time and I just want to make friends and stop relying on high school friends for social interaction; I love them but they have their college friends. It feels like it will never get better from here I don’t know where to meet new people 🙁 I don’t want to be stuck like this so will there eventually be a time where I won’t be so lonely anymore? Does being a loner now guarantee that I’ll be alone forever? It sounds stupid but it really feels like that.

  1. try going to sports clubs or learn a new hobbie and connect with people!

  2. you’re 19.

    you have places to meet new people.

    reach out to them.

    don’t act like you’re better than them.

    you’re in community college too. you’re working part time too.

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