
I (F19) have been dating this guy (M21) for around four months. Today is International Women’s day and he posted on his Instagram story about it. He has not bothered messaging me (I do not expect any gift or anything like that, and I initially did not even expect a message because I didn’t know about it). I know this is silly, but this has hurt my feelings a little bit, given the fact that he thought to post about it but not message me. Am I being stupid for feeling hurt and a little concerned? I don’t have a problem communicating this, but I don’t want to make an issue out of nothing.

Thanks 🙁

1 comment
  1. It’s not stupid. I would also feel like the story was not meant for me since it’s not personal, but the other person might think it’s meant for everyone that sees it. I would mention about it that a story does not feel personal and would prefer a direct message.

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