Men of Reddit, what’s the fastest way to your heart?

  1. Through the stomach, and then up. Don’t have to deal with the rib cage that way.

  2. showing you have empathy for others and that you’ll give me the benefit of the doubt

  3. Holding eye contact for that little bit longer than is necessary with a cheeky smile.

  4. If you share music with me that I connect with, I’m in. This goes for friendships too. It’s just such a point of connection with people for me.

    Otherwise, being able to make each other laugh is a big one.

  5. A girl last month offered me one of her chicken tendies and I’ve developed a crush on her as a result

  6. I’m doing 99% of the cooking in a relationship I’m just on average a better cook than most of my partners. However if my girlfriend cooks for me I’ll happily not correct clear issues I see and eat a burned or salted to the point of it being inedible. Then she gets a hug and a thank you no matter what.

  7. Random acts of kindness by total strangers.

    Someone actually took time out of their life to give it to you.

  8. Finding common passions, modesty and just someone I could talk with for hours without getting bored.

  9. I used to date a really assertive and confident girl. She did things like putting her hand on the side of my face, being the big spoon, showering me with compliments, and squeezing my hand as a sign of reassurance.

    I fell for her faster and harder than I thought possible, and haven’t had that kind of connection with anyone, before or since.

  10. The death and destruction of mine enemies, the end of their bloodlines as their cities burn and their lands are salted with the tears of their women

  11. Spending time together but alone?


    Like i want to play games but i want you there?

  12. If you show up with a full rack of st. Louis ribs, I will put a ring on that finger so fast. Well, after I’m done with my ribs, obviously.

  13. When someone does or offers to do something for me because they genuinely wanted to to show that they care. It doesn’t have to be extravagant.

    I don’t think people (women mostly) realize how little recognition and care men receive when they work hard and help others. I’ve helped people move and didn’t even get a thanks. I’ve driven over an hour to show my face at a friend’s party who I haven’t seen in years only to receive a luke warm “oh, hi, you’re here…”
    So many dates I’ve been on buying the woman food, drinks, or tickets, to get a “cool, well I’ll see you later maybe.”

    Helping me move. Bringing over an unexpected food or drink that I like to a social event. Calling to just check in and talk for a few minutes.

    I asked a friend to borrow a hatchet to chop fire wood. He came over with 2 hatchets so we can chop wood together, and later we shared a bottle of mead. We’ve somehow been closer friends since then. It doesn’t have to be extravagant, just with a little bit of meaning.

  14. Gratitude when I do a small thoughtful gesture to cheer you up or make you feel better.

    That wide eyed big smile thank you fucking slays me every time

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