What online news media do you read? Do these media have differences in political (economic) views?

  1. I read everything: left, right, center. On a typical day I scan NY Times, Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg News, CNBC, CBS, ABC, and Barron’s. Although very much a tabloid, I read NY Post and NY Daily News because I live in NY and they have good local news

  2. Reuters, that is really it for my personal life besides some Substacks. For my work life I read all local sources.

  3. NY Times, Washington Post, LA Times (only because I live in LA), Reuters, and then whatever interesting stories pop up on reddit or Facebook.

  4. Probably my biggest sources for national news are The New York Times, The Washington Post, Reuters, and NPR. For local news I usually turn to the Chicago Tribune, the Sun-Times, BlockClubChicago, and WBEZ (local NPR radio affiliate). I used to read the WSJ pretty regularly but the firewall between their editorial pages and their news division is pretty much gone since News Corp bought them and their factual reporting has really taken a nosedive.

    My go-tos for foreign and region-specific news are usually the Guardian, the BBC, the CBC, Der Spiegel, the Independent, Al Jazeera (RIP Al Jazeera America), the South China Morning Post, and the Times of India.

    I also read/consume a lot of content from the Atlantic, Vox Media, Vice Media, the New Yorker, the Economist, and other similar places. Those pieces are usually more deep dive analyses rather than breaking news coverage though.

  5. I use Google news and try to take from as many different types of outlets as I can.

  6. All sorts of stuff, for most news though I get from kind of mainstream sources like NYT, WaPo, Tampa Bay Times, LA Times, Der Spiegel, Vanity Fair, Teen Vogue, BBC, The New Yorker and I’ll check like CNN and Fox News website along with sites like dailykos and breitbart to see what people are saying politically. I don’t really follow any reporter specifically except for maybe mariana van zeller

  7. It depends on whether I’m looking for a specific article and an opinion I don’t agree with, or looking for a source that will show me things I’ll likely agree with more. For news aggregate/basic headlines I’ll go to someplace like Bing. I’ll also turn on local news or look at local papers to see what’s interesting. When I see something of interest on social media and they include a link, I’ll read that, whether it’s NYT or Fox. I sometimes scan the major news outlets from the UK because they have some international headlines the US doesn’t show as well, but I’ll also scan US (WaPo, NYT) headlines for things happening here that international outlets like The Guardian or RT wouldn’t cover.

  8. I actually really like RT. Always have, nothing to do with the current situation. They have this reassuring permanent suspicion I share of Western institutions and globalists.

  9. BBC News, NY Times, Wall Street Journal, AP, Reuters, Global News of Canada, France 24, NPR, PBS, The Atlantic, Slate and Political Wire for political news. I avoid partisan sources. I used to read Andrew Sullivan and Daily Kos but not so much anymore.

  10. NYT mostly. I do read Fox and also some other progressive investigative stuff like propublica.

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