Basically nearly a year ago my friend tried to kill herself, but luckily she survived. Should I write her something about it, like telling her I’m happy she’s alive or something like this, or it is better to not remind her, because probably it is already a hard day?

EDIT: Six month after the attempt I wrote her that I was really proud of her for what she accomplished in that period (She got into the university she wanted and was making new friends) and she was really glad I remembered, but as some comments already said, in a period where we can all be stressed, maybe reminding her isn’t the best thing to do.

  1. Do not write her about this for a multitude of reasons – one – she may not want to be reminded of that time, two – it may pull her down into a spiral if she’s depressed.

  2. I don’t suggest bringing it up, as it’ll just open some closed wounds. Whether or not she got over it, she probably doesn’t want to be reminded of this. What you could do though is reach out to her, ask her to go for a movie or anything you guys enjoy doing. She’ll appreciate it more than reading a suicide related letter.

  3. Maybe I wouldn’t write anything about it. But ask her to do something fun with you. Ideally not on the exact date.

  4. I don’t think I would bring it up but write that I’m happy that you are my friend and I appreciate you.

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