What’s the worst thing television has ever created?

  1. Reality TV, Soap operas, TV personalities, talk shows, the news, human interest, sports, commercials, award shows, telethons, talent shows, celebrity circle jerks like “the masked singer”…. And Star Trek Discovery.

  2. Ima go with.. More than 3 channels. News, Shows, Movies. I make enough decisions in my day.

  3. Commercials. I know they didn’t invent commercials, but they elevated them from simple sleight of hand trickery to full blown psychological manipulation.

  4. That “Previously…” recap sh1t at the start of every episode of a series. Like, when did they decide we’re all too stupid to remember anything anymore?

  5. Anything involving a reality television ‘star’ . . . Keeping Up With The Kardashians, Made in Chelsea, The Hills, Selling Sunset, Housewives of Beverly Hills, etc.

  6. Screaming matches in news debate and coverage of trifling issues in serious news to intentionally divert attention from real matters. Real magicians of the new world.

  7. 24/7 news cycle, 100%. Some people might think Fox is bad or CNN is bad (or whatever news outlet you hate), but they exist as they are because the creation of the 24 hour news cycle. The news didn’t use to be on all the time. You’d have to tune in at specific times just like any other TV show. With more time needed to be filled, news stations started broadcasting more and more outlandish shit. They also started *saying* more and more outlandish shit just to keep the viewers watching. This 24/7 coverage and the stupid stuff they had to do to maintain it eventually showed producers that you can put whatever you want on TV and people will eat it up. The 24 hour news cycle is indirectly responsible for tons of other “stupid” (what’s stupid to one person isn’t to the other) things being put on TV as well because viewers were crying out for more and more information on all the mundane things happening the world. Have you ever watched something and thought “Who the fuck cares about this?”? People care because they were told to care because news stations had to come up with SOMETHING to put on the air so they just “reporting” on anything and everything.

  8. That was it. A form of entertainment to just sit in front of and let your problems and brain melt away.

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