What something you were dreaming about, & when you got it ,found it worthless?

  1. I guess sex. It was definitely worth it! But it wasn’t as a big a deal that I thought it was. Porn makes everything super glamorized, and real sex and pretty much about cardio, flexibility and understanding your partners body, which porn will NEVER teach. I got a bit depressed because I did came fast in the beginning, but it was mostly due to how porn conditioning. Sex is definitely worth it, but have it vs only watching it are two entirely different experiences.

  2. College degree(s). The paper itself has never once been needed and any field besides STEM will change by the time you can use it (I went to school for radio broadcasting lol).

    Now, the TIME spent in college was worth every penny. But the idea that having a name on a piece of paper is somehow worth more than if said knowledge/experience was gained without being enrolled, that’s the scam.

    I am currently making a living based on two classes I took for early college / late high school Associates. Probably $240 in tuition total.

  3. For me it was a house larger than about 2500 square feet.

    I grew up in the staple American house, 1200 sq ft 3-2 brick ranch. I used to dream of a really big house when I made it big. My first house I bought on my own was 2000 sq feet. My second house was 7500 sq feet. That house taught me that I wasnt any happier having all that space. Down sized last year to my current house which is 2500 and couldnt be happier.

  4. Hot gf. Job. Car. Money. My own place. Sobriety.

    I mean I guess none of this is true bc they all had some worth and experience was gained but I guess I meant more like hard disappointment that they didn’t bring me great joy

  5. The mountains. I lived in Colorado for a few years. I still enjoy them, but they got old surprisingly fast.

  6. When I was younger (like 5 years old), i always thought people with the street name on their houses were super posh and always wanted one. A few years later, my family moved into a house with a sign on, and i felt no different.

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