How it happened first. For about a week I had noticed increasing testicular pain. For about two straight days it was severe. To the point any movement had me keeling over in pain. After lots of reading I was convinced I had testicular torsion and was PANICKING… the things I read about it were horrid. It was either that or ball cancer. I was convinced I was losing at least one ball.

So I get there and explain and after a while of them feeling my balls up and an eventual ultrasound I was told I didn’t have testicular torsion and nothing indicating testicular cancer (sent for labs though but was all good)

Doctor comes in and says (pending labs) I was likely experiencing a severe case of “epididymal hypertension” which is apparently fancy talk for blue balls…

For the last few months I decided to abstain from jerking off. I also significantly changed my diet for the better, began working out again, and also ended up on medication which has the side effect of increased libido. Unfortunately at the same time my fiancé got hurt and hasn’t really been in the mood for sex which I totally get. But I didn’t think about jerking off. Anyways I’ve been insanely aroused the last few weeks and well everything combined for what is apparently a rare but possible severe case of blue balls due to abnormal arousal and my abstaining from jerking it.

Figured I’d give everyone a laugh at my expense.

  1. A little funny but in all seriousness it is great what you are doing in your life with these changes, but you have got to masturbate or have sex every so often at minimum. Your body is always producing new testosterone and needs room. Ejaculating helps to get rid of the old ones and let new ones be produced.

  2. Thanks for the laugh! But really, take care of your own sexual needs. You’re a good guy for not pressuring your fiancé, but in that circumstance masturbating is a perfectly valid solution. In the end it will make you a better lover for her too!

  3. Which medication are you taking that increases libido? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)

  4. As someone who had to have surgery for a testicular torsion, you can NEVER be too careful. They barely managed to save my left testicle.

  5. I’m surprised your mind and body didn’t take care of that by giving you wet dreams, when you were so pent up.

  6. Is there swelling? If there is continued swelling, I would be concerned. Something similar happened when I was diagnosed with testicular cancer.

    >I decided to abstain from jerking off.

    FWIW none of the popularly reported effects of this are supported by scientific evidence.

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