If you meet someone online and you’re going for drinks/coffee/food or something that doesn’t lead itself to casual touching, what is your go-to move to either touch someone or let them know you’re open to it?

This is just a general question. I tend to manage it but not with any particular finesse.

  1. A few months ago I went on a date with a guy and we played pool. When walking around the table he would gently brush up against me and I against him, we kept it light and casual. This is why I recommend doing something active (if you consider playing pool an active date lol); if you’re just out for drinks or food, it’s hard to establish a physical connection with a table between the two of you. But if you’re opening the door for your date you can touch their upper back when they walk in – or if someone is opening the door for you you can touch their shoulder and thank them I suppose. It’s respectful but it introduces that first physical contact.

  2. Horror movie. Everyone knows this, they’re gonna be scared and wanna hold onto you

  3. Go in for a high five. If he hesitates, pull back and give him the “too slow!!!”

  4. I go for a hug when meeting up for coffee/food. It helps break the ice pretty quickly.

    If you want to be subtle you can brush up against their arm or touch their back when opening the door for them.

  5. Make a dumb sarcastic remark about them jokingly and maybe give them a little elbow nudge

  6. I’d tell them I’m going to touch them, but only if they’re comfortable with it. I’d also come about doing it relatively slowly

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