What’s something everyone should try to do

  1. Adopt a rescue animal
    Ice baths
    Zip lining
    Ask the cute girl out
    Call your mom more
    Sex under the stars

  2. Not be a bigot,

    Why some people need to try I’ll never understand, but here we are.

  3. Being willing to listen to and have a conversation with people that have opposing points of view. And on just argue with the person just waiting for your turn to talk.

  4. Try to cook/bake your favorite dish or dessert. It’s a good way to really see and appreciate what goes into these things at an establishment and an added layer of understanding and gratitude around it.

  5. Actually save some money.

    You need *something* put away for when you retire. Don’t rely on your pension — if it exists at all, it won’t be nearly enough to provide for even the simplest lifestyle.

  6. Differentiate people who feed their ego and people who feed their soul.
    Distance theirselves from the first group.

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